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    In recent years, the application of drone technology in the civilian sector has made significant strides. Drones can be classified into consumer-grade and industrial-grade based on their application areas. Consumer-grade drones are primarily used for personal aerial photography, while industrial-grade drones find extensive applications in agriculture, land surveying, security, and power line inspections.

    In the aviation field, the utilization of high-temperature, high-pressure cables plays a crucial role. These cables can operate stably in extreme environments, providing continuous and stable power and data transmission support for drones. In land surveying, drones equipped with high-definition cameras and other sensors transmit real-time images and data through high-temperature, high-pressure cables, facilitating efficient terrain mapping and resource exploration. In power line inspections, drones equipped with infrared cameras and other equipment, connected via high-temperature, high-pressure cables, conduct comprehensive inspections of transmission lines, detecting potential faults in advance to ensure the safe and stable operation of the power grid.


    Overall, the application of high-temperature, high-pressure cables in the aviation field provides reliable support for the development of drone technology, promoting the widespread application of aviation technology in civilian sectors.